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HOA Legal Services For Associations

Successfully managing a homeowners association requires owners, directors and managers to navigate a broad range of legal issues: 


  • understanding and implementing the requirements of legal documents including declarations and bylaws;

  • familiarity with the requirements of the Oregon Planned Community Act or Oregon Condominium Act as well as the Non-profit Corporation act; 

  • understanding contract law as it relates to employment, utlities, construction and other HOA contracts; 

  • knowing and avoiding the pitfalls and traps of collection law and lien law; and

  • being versed in parliamentary procedure/Roberts Rules of Order. 

In addition to the legal issues facing associations, there are also complex matters of finance and building sciences to be considered.  On top of the complicated nature of these problems, each decision directors make must be done in line with an eye on their fiduciary obligations, and there's a strong probablility that sooner or later these decisions will upset some (or all) of the director's neighbors.   All this for no pay. 


Its a difficult job.  Henrie Law can help.

The ground floor of association management is common sense.  My goal is to help clients find efficient, cost effective solutions that satisfy the requirements of the law and each director's fiduciary obligations.  There are numerous ways to to solve every problem an association faces.  With help, directors and managers can find all the outside the box and unique and tailored solutions to whatever issues may arise.  Additionally, Henrie Law can assist associations with:  

  • review and amendments to governing documents; 

  • board training sessions;

  • intra-association dispute resolution/mediation; 

  • contract and management dispute resolution/mediation; 

  • resolution drafing; 

  • FHA Condomnium Certification;

  • prosecution or defense of litigation matters; 

  • reducing delinquent assessments; and

  • board meetings and association meetings.


I can also aid individual directors who are looking for personal counsel regarding their obligations as a director.  

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